اگه خاطرتون باشه درشروع فعاليت مجدد اين بخش اشاره كرديم به اينكه هدفمون معرفي و به نوعي كشف صداهاي ناشناخته است و سعي ميكنيم حتي به قيمت طولاني شدن فاصله زماني مطالب سايت به هدفمون پايبند باشيم.
چند روزيه كه صداي استثنايي “كريس اكمن” كه به تعبير من لحن و سبك دلنشين “آلن تيلور و راجر واترز” رو براي شنونده تداعي ميكنه ذهنمو شديدا مشغول كرده و سبك زيباي “اكمن” انتخاب چند ترانه ازكارهايش رو دشواركرده.

Chris Eckman is one of the founding members of the Seattle band The Walkabouts. He is credited as songwriter/composer, vocals, guitar, piano, synthesizer of the band. In 1983, while at Whitman College, he met and began collaborating with Carla Torgerson. After moving back to Seattle, Washington, in 1984, they formed the band with Chris’ two younger brothers, Grant (drums) and Curt (bass). In 1993, he and Carla began the acoustic-folk duo Chris & Carla.
A Janela 1999
The Bambi Molesters 2003
The Black Field 2004
Novi Svet 2005
The Last Side Of The Mountain 2008
Harney County 2013
Who Will Light Your Path
Chris Eckman feat Anita Lipnicka
Who will light your path
Through the night?
When you travel the marshes
Toward which light
Will you turn your eyes?
When you hang in the void,
To whom will you call?
When you have no pillow,
Where will you
Lay your head?
Who will light
Your path
Through the night,
Toward what light
Will you turn?
The night is full of sounds,
But can you recognize
The right one?
The night is full of lights,
But which light
Is the light of your eyes?
And who casts the hook
For night waters
Into your mouth?
Who follows you close
As you go
Along your way?
Which teeth, white and rabid
From loneliness and hunger
Sink into your flesh?
Who will cut the ties?
Oh, what a sharp
Invisible knife
Who will wait for you
At the crossroads?
At midnight
Toward what light
Will you turn?
pirates & clowns
Why Can’t I Touch It