خوندن یک تحلیل از ویتوس ممکنه براتون جذاب باشه.
تو این تحلیل جالب ویتوس برای تحلیل گر دو چیز رو یاداوری میکنه یکی حالت صدای آنالوگ هست و دیگری همانند بهترین لامپی ها مانند Audio Note ژاپن صدا دادن.
بنظر من دلیل آنالوگ تر صدا دادن ویتوس در مقایسه با Soulution ، Accuphase و بقیه بخاطر میکرو داینامیک خیلی بهتر هست و مساله دیگر صدایی شبیه به بهترین لامپی ها مانند Audio Note Kondo داشتن دلیلش درست بودن تونالیته و نداشتن هارمونیک های رده بالاتر در مقایسه با بقیه سالید استیت ها هست.
قبلا هم گفتم ویتوس کل دیستورشنش مثل آئودیونت بیشتر از بقیه سالید استیت ها هست اما بخاطر فیدبک منفی خیلی کمتر شکل دیستورشن روی هارمونیک های پایین تر متمرکز هست و در نتیجه صدای خیلی بهتری داره.
تو این مقایسه جالب تحلیل گر کاملا ویتوس رو به همه آمپلی فایرهای Solidstate ای که شنیده از جمله Soulution ، Luxman M-800A ، Accuphase A-65 ترجیح میده چون هم Bass و وضوح و سکوتش هم پای بهترین سالید استیت هاست و هم صداش به زیبایی بهترین لامپی ها.
نکته دیگری که در رابطه با ویتوس بهش اشاره شد این بود که برخلاف Soulution که صدا انگار با عجله و سریع داره پخش میشه ویتوس برعکس اجازه میده شنونده زمان بیشتری رو درک کنه و خیلی راحت تر با موسیقی ارتباط برقرار کنه. قبلا اگه یادتون باشه من در مورد دموی منگر نوشته بودم چون تو Time Domain ما پاسخ شفافی داشتیم احساس میکردیم زمان بیشتر کش میاد و ما ارتباط راحت تر و بهتری رو با موسیقی برقرار میکنیم و دقیقا اینجا هم ویتوس اجازه میده فضای بزرگتری تو زمان شکل بگیره و مغز راحت تر و بهتر با موسیقی ارتباط برقرار کنه. بنظر من دلیل این موضوع عدم دیستورشن تو Time Domain و پاسخ فاز درست هست چون هم منگر و هم ویتوس بدلیل پاسخ فاز درست تو Time Domain وضعیت خیلی خوبی دارند اما آمپلی فایری که از فیدبک منفی استفاده میکنه مثل Soulution چون پاسخ فازش تغییر میکنه تو Time Domain وضعیت بدی خواهد داشت.
قبلا هم نوشتم تو بحث سورس های دیجیتال سورس هایی مثل Weiss هستند که پاسخ فرکانسی عالی دارند اما پاسخ Time Domain اونها به خوبی سورسی مثل Playback Design نیست و در مقابل Playback Design پاسخ فرکانسی اش اصلا به خوبی سورسی مثل Weiss نیست. این تقابل پاسخ تو Frequency Domain و Time Domain بین بلندگوها و آمپلی فایر ها هم هست و ویتوس جزو اون دسته طبقه بندی میشه که پاسخ Time Domain بهتری داره و از نگاه من همونطور که قبلا بهش اشاره کردم پاسخ Time Domain مهمتر از پاسخ فرکانس هست.
مایکل فرمر میگه The greatest components make time move slower
البته این ویتوس ای که در موردش تحلیل نوشته شد تازه جزو سری رفرنس ویتوس هست و ویتوس دو سری بالاتر از این مدل هم داره که بالاترین مدلهاش که فکر کنم هر کامپوننتش بالای 100 هزار دلار باشه فقط به سفارش ساخته میشن.
Since I hadn’t mentioned it yet, the Vitus build quality is exceptional.
The sound of the Vitus amp paired with my Ayon preamplifier reminded me of some very good analogue turntable systems. I refer to a dense deep and very communicative presentation. This particular communicativeness consists of highlighting the sonic aspects which deliver the emotional charge encoded in a tone. So this becomes an emotional proposition. The timbral center of gravity is the lower midrange and as such lower than the Class A Luxman M-800A and Accuphase A-65 and lower also than the Soulution 710, Reimyo KAT-777 or Ancient Audio Silver Grand Mono. Quite a list. I’d peg the Danish amp’s timbre most similar to components I’ve heard from Audio Note (Kondo), Jadis or the Mastersound Compact 845 I recently reviewed for Audio. This isn’t relative to a general performance plateau but simply a pointer on the type of tonal balance you might expect. This is the aspect which influences our perception the most.
The plateau of performance is at the very top, on the same level as Soulution, Reimyo and Ancient Audio. All the others fall way behind. You might find such a statement premature at the very beginning of a review but during what follows I want you to be mindful that this discussion is about a state-of-the-art component. Whatever pros and cons might get mentioned are in the context of a best-of-the-best contemporary amplifier regardless of circuit or output device choices.
The hammer strike was slightly round and thick and the focus on the sustain. That focus we know mostly from tube amplifiers.
When I began listening to the Vitus right after the very fast Soulution 710, I thought for a moment that it slowed down the sound significantly. Even though the Vitus is bit slower than the Soulution, it’s not really about speed but a different strategy of presentational interpretation. The Danish amp never seems to hurry things up – not because it is slow but because there’s plenty of time to always manage to deliver in the pocket. It doesn’t really matter what kind of music. For me the best indicator was the 1955 opener of Chet Baker’s Chet Baker Sings and Plays played by a quartet. With the Vitus the musicians played with ease, very smoothly and I had the impression that they enjoyed themselves. With the Soulution I could hear that the musicians were still young and although already very accomplished, their performance was not that smooth yet to suggest that their best years were still ahead of them.
Its huge size could have suggested Krell-type grip whilst the paper specs’ 50 watts would bow to a Music Hall A15.2’s 75wpc.
In my obviously subjective opinion the Vitus delivers the same bass quality as the Soulution.
Its character is bit different though. I would say that it is a continuation of the lower midrange’s dense richness. Decays on Laurie Anderson’s Homeland were really beautiful and probably sustained a bit longer than with the Soulution. This created an impression of a bigger event. On the other hand the Swiss amplifier was able to differentiate better and show subtleties more clearly. For me the control of both amplifiers over this part of range was perfect as I couldn’t point out any weaknesses. What’s more, I never heard any amplifier controlling the bass range better than these two.
The bass quality doesn’t merely reflect complete extension but perhaps most importantly great coherence and richness. This is how well reproduced bass should sound like – full of harmonics and without any phase shifts. It’s why Chet Baker sounded so good and later Ella Fitzgerald on the Cole Porter Song Book. I must say that all recordings with vocals—and I listened to a lot of them—came off very good. It was likely because of this very combination of dense midrange and extended well controlled bass.
As I declared earlier it was important for me to confront Vitus and Soulution amplifiers. They carry a similar price and potential customers might chose between these two fabulous options. To do so I had to replace the Soulution 710 with the SS-101 and run the latter with my usual Ayon Audio Polaris III preamplifier.
The Danish preamplifier reminded me more of the Reimyo CAT-777 Mk II than my own Polaris III even though the latter two are based on tubes and the Vitus in an exemplary solid-state ambassador.
At this level of performance all this is a question of personal choice and preferences.
The Vitus system belongs to the absolutely best solid-state (or other) systems I have listened to.
خب به اندازه کافی هم از ویتوس تعریف کردم و هم زدم تو سر برندهای دیگه ای که دوستشون ندارم، فعلا کار دیگه ای ندارم، خوش بگذره
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