یک نماینده فروش تو امریکا بنام The Voice That Is با مدیریت Doug White خیلی جالب برند انتخاب میکنه و حتی از مایک هم انتخاب هاش به من نزدیک تر . من این آدم رو نمیشناسم و باهاش مکاتبه نداشتم اما برام عجیبه دقیقا دست رو برندهایی گذاشته که مورد علاقه من هست.
لیست برندهایی که ایشون نمایندگیشون رو دارند به شرح زیر هست :
Argento Audio
Luxman Audio
Organic Audio
Vitus Audio
Fact 8 Loudspeakers
Silicon Arts/Concert Fidelity (http://www.concertfidelity.jp/)
ASR Audio
Esoteric Audio
Epiphany Stand Systems
Acoustic Revive
قرار بود برند Silicon Arts / Concert Fidelity رو هم معرفی کنم که دیدم باز هم ایشون نمایندگیش رو داره ، برای من که این موضوع خیلی عجیبه!!!!
اسم طراح این برند ژاپنی آقای Masataka Tsuda هستند که خیلی به طراحی ساده و مینیمال اعتقاد دارند. ایشون آمپلی فایر لامپی هم طراحی کردند و صدای آمپلی فایرشون مثل ویتوس اون Sparkle و Color رو خیلی بهتر از بقیه ترانزیستوری ها داره. در مورد ایشون بخونید:
Masataka Tsuda, founder and chief designer of Concert Fidelity, has over 35 years’ experience in vacuum tube and solid state amplifier design. He combines a profound understanding of audio circuits, which allows him to see where many typical design “conventions”;do not make sense, with uncannily creative inspirations and a perfectionist’s drive to pursue the limits of circuit simplification and purity in sound.
Tsuda believes that true depth of musical expression can only be experienced through circuits which do not try to artificially manipulate the signal in any way. His proprietary Direct Signal Path Technology (DSPT) is inspired by his goal to minimize the amount of time music signal spends in circuit, so that it retains the energy and life inherent in the original material.
Circuits, selection of parts, and layout are optimized so that all unnecessary compensating circuitry can be eliminated and the simplest circuitry can suffice, thus causing the least signal degradation. The result of his perfectionist drive for simplification is amplifiers of extreme transparency and the musical expressiveness of the very best SET’s without their weaknesses.
“There is no doubt in my mind that Masataka Tsuda’s designs push the state-of-the-art forward, in both solid-state and vacuum tube design arenas.”
– Dick Olsher, December, 2007, EnjoytheMusic.com, Superior Audio Equipment
اینم نگاه ایشون در طراحی:
Concert Fidelity’s amps and preamps are often said to be excellent-sounding, but I feel that this description is inappropriate. It would be more appropriate to describe our amps as having almost zero loss, or as adding almost nothing to the original signal. There is no way that an audio circuit can improve upon an incoming signal in the course of amplification.
The signal can only be degraded, and the less the degradation, the better the circuit. Whenever a good part is discovered, and a good sonic result is produced, my next goal is to figure out how that part might be eliminated, which will, without fail, make the sound even better! Concert Fidelity’s philosophy is to add absolutely nothing superfluous to the circuit; to transmit neither more nor less than the original recorded signal.
The sound of tube amps is often characterized as being soft, warm, mellow, or sweet, but that is merely a description of a large number of tube designs, and not an inherent quality of tubes. A well-designed tube amp should not sound anything but neutral and transparent, a far-cry from the stereotype. If designed and implemented properly, the sound of a good amplifier can transcend the particular amplifying device it employs.
من از آقای لین اولسون Lynn Olson هم قبلا نوشتم (ایشون جزو طراحان آمپلی فایر لامپی و یک Audiophile درست حسابی هستند) و خیلی از نگاهشون به های فای خوشم میاد ، ایشون یک مطلب خیلی جالب نوشتند که من بخشی از متن رو اینجا آوردم :
There are some very isolated folks who just can’t get their hands on tube gear, or are afraid to make the leap to what to them is an alien technology. Unfortunately, good transistor amps are truly rare; they measure nicely all right, but not very many are lifelike in the sense of delivering that “you-are-there” quality to music … indeed, I would guess that many audiophiles have never heard that effect, even once, due to the degraded condition of modern electronics. Twenty years ago, transistor amps were brittle-sounding, grainy, and very two-dimensional sounding. Nowadays, transistor-amp designers have tweaked the “audiophile” breed of transistor amps to emulate the sound of mediocre tube amps … sweet and rolled-off sounding, but with little realism or sense of depth. The grain and edge are gone, but so is much of the sense of life and sparkle in the music.
I know of exactly three transistor amplifiers that avoid the trap of grain-n-grit on one hand and audiophile flatness on the other … in short, they sound just like a really good triode amp, but with more power! Unfortunately, all three are really obscure. so don’t expect to see them at hi-fi shows or read any reviews any time soon. They are: the R.E. Designs LNPA-150, the latest (yet unnamed) transistor amps from Stan Warren’s Supermods, and a Japanese manufacturer called Silicon Arts Design. All three, although apparently mundane Class AB push-pull transistor designers, have the immediacy, the clarity, and the musical rightness of direct-heated triode amps … but are completely different technologically. How is it done? Don’t ask me … transistor electronics are not my specialty. But it is possible.
درباره این برند بیشتر بدانید:
About Concert Fidelity
Concert Fidelity electronics are designed and built by hand in Japan in the best artisan traditions of that country — with a perfectionist’s fanatic attention to detail and a purist’s pursuit of optimized simplicity as the means of achieving the most musically authentic results.
Incidentally, achieving Concert Fidelity’s level of circuit optimization and simplification requires a deeper understanding of audio circuits — what is essential versus what is best eliminated — than does implementing complex circuits which contain numerous compensatory components, but once our “surprisingly simple” designs are heard, it is difficult to go back to more complex amplifiers with their colorations and limitations.
As a case in point, the sound of the best tube electronics should be that of the tubes themselves, and our vacuum tube products reveal tube differences to a greater degree than we have ever heard elsewhere. This results in achieving “transparency,” allowing the source material to be revealed in all its emotionally involving glory, without hi-fi enhancements, artificial warmth, muddiness, distortion, or glare.
Concert Fidelity goes to perfectionist and no-holds-bared approach in design and manufacture because we feel that discriminating customers will notice the subtle design touches and will readily hear the difference they make in expressive nuance and musical enjoyment.
Our highly optimized and simplified circuits, innovative and perfectionist layout techniques, carefully specified and matched parts, and custom transformers which may be the world’s best, allow you to hear transient speed and low-frequency extension akin to solid state along with purity, delicacy, and musicality akin to single-ended triodes. With our electronics, you will hear, superiority in the following areas, without even being analytical or conscious:
* resolution of harmonic complexity
* microdynamic expression
* transient speed for resolving rhythmic nuances
* extension and speed in low frequencies
* resolution of complex musical textures
* resolution of soundstage details, along with better presence of individual images
ویتوس زیر 100 وات میسازه، این برند 120 واتی ساخته و ASR هم 140 و 250 واتی که نمیدونم آیا ممکنه کسی اون 120 واتی رو بیاره صداش رو بشنویم یا نه.
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