برند Lampizator برند جالبیه، اگر دقت کرده باشید من برندهایی رو دوست دارم معرفی کنم که طراح اونها مانند Decware تو سایتش مطالب بدربخوری رو نوشته باشه و علت علاقه من به AudioPax یا Audio Note و یا خیلی از برندهای دیگه ای که دوست دارم فقط صدای اونها نیست بلکه گفتگوی مبتنی بر تجربه شنیداری اونهاست. البته رومی معتقده روی نگاه و تجربه شنیداری یک طراح یا مودیفایر مثل آقای Lampizator خیلی نمیشه حساب کرد اما من جدا از این موضوع اطلاعات جالبی رو تو سایت این آدم دیدم و فکر میکنم برای شما هم جالب خواهد بود.
بحث در مورد طراح این شرکت قبلا تو انجمن من توسط آقای نوید مطرح شد ببینید :
آقای Lukasz Fikus طراح لهستانی Lampizator سایت خیلی جالبی داره و مطالب خوبی در مورد تست صدای انواع سی دی پلیرها داره که نشون میده این آدم خیلی از برندهای گران و ارزان رو شنیده ، مودیفایشون کرده و خلاصه اطلاعات جالبی رو از هر کدوم اونها تو سایتش گذاشته که هم برای من جالبه و هم برای کسانی که دوست دارند بیشتر از طراحی داخلی پلیرها بدونند.
این آدم خیلی به آقای Peter Quvortrup (راستی یادتون باشه آقا پیتر اهل کشور دانمارک هستند اما انگلستان زندگی میکنند) طراح Audio Note UK احترام میگذاره و در مورد خودش تو سایتش اینطور گفته :
This private site LAMPIZATOR is dedicated to tube DIY, music, and practical ways to best sound reproduction.
More specifically: my goal is to own “the best stereo system in the World” and to do it on a reasonable budget. The second aim is to share with others what I have found out in the process, i.e the Lampizator, The Saba speakers, the gem DAC’s and Russian supertubes.
Since I can’t afford a dream system, I decided to learn what makes this technology “tick” and to build the system myself. Soon the pursuit of hi-fi truth became my passion and I relentlessly look inside the boxes, in vain hope to find honestly made and good sounding products. When I discover something worth noticing, I publish it here. I am sure there are ways of owning an absolutely fabulous hi-fi system which everybody can afford. To put things into perspective, I build for myself systems costing circa 1500 Euro, which beat sonically everything I heard before at cost-no-object demo’s in Frankfurt HighEnd show. If we can buy it – thats fine. If we can’t – we must do it with our own hands. It is a combination of buying used gear on ebay, modifying, mixing and matching, and having open ears to new gems from China. In fact – it is easy. I think I have found all elements I need: best source – CD player with Lampizator, best amplifiers (tubed of course) , and best speakers (alnico). In my subjective opinion my current system can easily be called one of the best stereo systems in the World. This page is about sharing with others my experience acquired in the process.
I am trying to condemn marketing and engineering B/S which I find inside gear. I am a self proclaimed Prometheus. I steal the industry secrets and give them back to the people. I ridicule the ridiculous. I also easily offend the easily offendable.
Of course you can go out and buy yourself such quality in the shop, in this case the price tag may reach approx. 20 000 -40 000 Euro, so anyone not needing such money is more than welcome to go and spend it. And after you buy it, I challenge you to meet me and compare. I will bring gear costing 1000 Euro and I will win.
My approach is to achieve best sound regardless of the cost, but fortunately my discovery is that it is not the money that make the sound, but intelligent choices. This page is not a “poor man’s Hi-Fi”, it is about best hi-fi period.
Executive brief: in this private website I summarized my 20 years of experience in designing, building and modyfying the stereo hi-fi equipment. Oryginally inspired by Audio-Note’ Peter Quvortrup philosophy of constant upgrading by better parts, I started a new era in my audio hobby – DIY. Then encouraged by Thorsten Loesch page I started learning about all things related to digital. In the countless articles I try to share with others the various projects which I tried myself. I minimize the voo-doo talking, and try to ridicule the myths. As diplomma engineer I demistyfy many marketing fairy tales and I try to reward honest companies with my aplause. I do not differenciate between 100 USD dac from Hong Kong, or a 20 years old Philips for 20 Euro on ebay, a grandfathers’ SABA radio or Mark Levinson, Linn, Mc. Intosh or Wadia products. They all can be equally good or equally bad.
I deal with simple improvements, modifications, tweaks, very heavy surgery – all kinds of things you can do to improve your stereo. I also deal with buying HIFI online from Hong-Kong and China. There is a little bit about restoration of old gear, about room accoustics, and about listening enjoyment. Psychoaccoustics, soldering technique, measurements and component matching sometimes also appear in my pages.
You can find many confronting opinions, because what I deeply believed 20 years ago (that Scanspeak is the only good loudspeaker out there) is not necessarily my belief today. So in the form of BLOG rather than a finite webpage – I applaud many products like CD Player Grundig or ribbon tweeter Raven 2 to be World’s best. After some time, thanks to my relentless pursuit for truth – I discover new kings and report that finding to you. So don’t blame me for changing kings and queens every quarter or so. That is the very nature of the search. And by the way, the chase is better than the catch.
I devote great deal of time to tube technology, tubes in general and the circuits. I try many different Telefunken. Siemens, Amperex, Philips, Kenrad, Brimar and Sylvania tubes and I compare them to Russian military ones which I love. But of course YMMV.
Finally, I talk a lot about the tube output stage – the Lampizator. I think it is great. After 5 years of research on over 200 CD players I arrived at a conclusion that NOTHING beats properly made Lampizator stage, and I described a couple of Lampizator variants with more than 20 different tubes.
I published a short summary of this experience in my DOC called LAMPIZATOR 2.0 which was released in july 2008.
خیلی خوب میشه این برند بیاد ایران و ما ببینیم تو سورس های زیر 3000 هزار دلار چه پاسخی به ما میده. گزارشات زیر رو ببینید :
TDA1541A chip (جالبه)
Goldmund (شاشید به این برند سوئیسی)
Shanling ()
Capacitors (اطلاعات جالبی در مورد خازنها)
بخش تازه ها اینجاست : http://www.lampizator.eu/Updates.html
تو بخش تازه ها مطالب زیادی برای خوندن وجود داره مثل:
که مرحله به مرحله مودیفای رو توضیح داده و یا رنکینگ سورس ها در:
چیزهایی هم در مورد ساخت بلندگو اینجا نوشته:
و لیستی از سورس های ارزان :
0. Sony XA5ES
1. ARCAM CD73 (Wolfson based, price circa 400 GBP on ebay) (and all other Arcams with Wolfson) Also new WM8741 based Arcam CD17 – yummy !
2. Nakamichi CDP-2E with TDA1541A, Sony CDP557ESD with BB PCM64 DAC
3. Philips 753 and 751 with Philips TDA1549 DAC (and Marantz cd5000 and CD48)
Luxman D-103u
4. Sony CDP-555ESD with TDA1541, Kenwood DP8010 with PCM58P, Sony CDP338ESD with BB-PCM58P DAC
5. Cambridge Audio CD3, CD2
6, JVC 1050Z with K2 filter and JVC DAC
7. Maxi Lampucera with CS4397 DAC from Cirrus (needs transport)
8. SATCH DAC with the TDA1541AS2 (needs transport) now it even comes with factory installed lampizator
9. Cambridge AZUR 540-640 with Wolfson DAC
10. Copland CDP 289
11. Zhalou DAC 2,5 MK2 and 3,0 (needs transport) based on CS4397 and 98
11.B) LITE DAC-AH with 8 x TDA1543 DAC
12. ZERO DAC with AD1852 DAC chip
13. Bang and Olufsen CD5500 (TDA1541a)
14. MHZS 66 and 88 (Yes, they sound quite nice ) based on Burr-Brown 1742 DAC
15. Creek CD60
16 AMC CD9
17. Pioneer PD-S06
18. Kenwood DP8010
19. Philips CD 930 and CD 940 which is the same
and of course – all Audio Note DACs (not players) – they are on position ZERO above all players listed.
اینجا هم در مورد عشق بنده Audio Note DAC 4 نوشته که جالبه اگر ترنسپورت CEC رو با DAC آئودیونت جمع کنیم چون اینجور که بوش میاد آئودیو نت خیلی ترنسپورت ساز نیست. میگه :
The power transformers are all EI (Audio Note hates toroids)
مقایسه ترنسپورت ها رو اینجا ببینید که CEC هم تو شون هست :
در مورد آمپلی فایر هم چیزهای جالبی نوشته :
1. In pentode tube amps ALLWAYS make a triode mode conversion (unless there is a switch to change the modes). This applies to ultralinear circuits etc.
Triode mode pentodes sound great, but in pentode mode – they sound really BAD. Bad bad bad. The mod is easy and costs nothing.
2. In the input section – remove and short all series resistors – we don’t need any of them. Tubes are happy when coupled to each other directly.
3. sometimes there is too many paralell resistors which form – together with series resistors – some signal attenuators. Get rid of all of them except the resistor which goes from tube grid to ground. Every small tube needs grid grounding resistor, value between 200K to 1 M.
The first input tube may use the volume pot as a resistor – so the paralell R can go out.
4. I like triodes without the cathode capacitor. Most amps use an electrolytic cap across the cathode resistor. Remove it and maybe you can decrease the cathode resistor by half. This sounds much cleaner.
5. Coupling caps: all tubes connect to the next tube by a series cap. Use sizes like 0,47 uF or more in the first stage, and over 1 uF in driver stage. use the RADIAL wound, round type not the box type and not the oval. Radial is the way to wind a good cap.
The best type is paper in oil (PIO) type, copper foil is the best electrode material. (jensen or audionote) or any decent MKP.
6. I routinely remove the global feedback loop and never I found it to be a problem. Without feedback EVERY amp that I know – performed better – more open, louder, with deeper bass, more magic, more what I like.
Thats basically all we need to do. The improvement depends on the circuit but usually the mods open up the sound a great deal. Triode mode is most important of them all. Theoretically we “loose power” but subjectively the sound is louder, more spacious and free. Wery well worth doing.
اینم بهترین هایی که این آدم شنیده از نگاه خودش :
# Best speakers I ever heard:
Audio Artistry Grand Beethoven. (I will never forget the demonstration). That memory lead me to creation of P12 the best of the best projects of my life)
# and — My own P-12 INNERLIGHT- Alnico open baffle.
# Worst audio system:
the award for worst sound at Frankfurt 1995, 1996, 1997 and 1999 goes to full Naim system. Demonstrated by NAIM, so cant blame the set-up or component matching. Everything that I hate about reproduction, in one ugly package.
# Best Audio sound: at Frankfurt 1995, 1996, 1997 and 1999 goes to STAX Omega headphone system.
# Worst demonstration of well regarded audio system in the history: Grande Utopia speakers driven by Carin monos at Warsaw Holiday Inn.
# Best cables regardless of the price:
IC: Audio Note AN-VZ
Loudspeaker: Audio Note AN-SPZ in biwiring mode.
# Best budget IC: Goertz Sapphire , Nordost Blue Heaven
Best small loudspeaker without bass: Sonus Faber Guarnieri Homage.
# Best CD transport: Audiomeca Mephisto with Audio Note AN-Vx analogue cable as digital.
# Best CD player: Tube Technology Fulcrum. Best economy player: Copland 289
# Best small signal tube: 6H2P (for 6922 circuits it is a revelation). In every application it is a revelation. Head and shoulders above other, not counting real exotica NOS. MUCH better than the 6H30P so called supertube by mr. Khomenko.
# Best Amplifier regardless of price: Audio Note Ongaku. No comments.
# Best capacitors for de-coupling: Audio-Note copper foil paper in oil, and same goes for the tweeter cap. But beware: they tend to BREAK short very easily for no reason at all.
# Best solid state amplifier: TACT Millennium Mk2.
# Best recorded CD for testing of the equipment: Shirley Horn – “Remembering Miles”. Patricia Barber: “Modern Cool”
# Best vinyl playback: Clearaudio deck and cartridge.
# Best power tools for woodworking: Kress
# Best DAC chip – Philips TDA1541aS2
برندهایی که از نظر ایشون پدرسوخته نیستند اینجاست :
Twisted Pear (Russ Audio)
Saba (till 1970’s)
Grundig till 1990
Audio Alchemy
Tube Technology
PS Audio
نگاهش به فیلتر برق هم جالبه :
میگه :
So what do I mean by the state of audio Nirvana?
Let me list some very basic conditions:
1. The music in our room sounds drop dead gorgeous
2. five seconds after closing of our eyes and listening we can visualize all musicians and their instruments. We can follow each instrument and each thread easily and we can enjoy the piece as a whole
3. We do not have absolutely any clue that we listen to stereo not musicians (with eyes closed)
4. When the music is touchy we get goose bumps
5. When we listen to good albums we continue all the way to the end and we finish with an eargasm
6. We have zero itch to tweak, sell, buy or upgrade. System becomes unimportant and invisible
7. 10 out of 10 visitors, be it audiophiles or regulars, comment that they never heard better music reproduction
8. The illusion of “they are here” or better “I am there” is so real it is truly scary. The room in our brain is totally replaced by the perception of the recorded event.
9. The music sounds fantastic at REALISTIC levels that means at the sound level similar to the loudness at the original event (usually this means bloody LOUD)
10. I cant think of point number ten just for the sake of having a nice round list of 10.
How not to get to audio Nirvana
1. Read all audio magazines. Especially cut through the writing straight to the verdict.
2. Pay attention to 5 star products only.
3. Invest in shakti stones, spiked cones, snake oil, CD demagnetizers, anti vibration platforms, cables that contain silver and gold,
4. Pay attention to CD players which have lowest THD (total harmonic distortion) and amplifiers which have highest damping factor above 1000
5. Regularly visit your friendly dealer and without any strings attached let him get you hooked on the latest Stereophile Recommended Levinson 959.05 for 33 000 USD like a bargain
6. Fill your room with bass traps, diffusers, and sound lenses
7. Move to the basement and build a dedicated room isolated from family, friends, relatives and fresh air.
8. Go to every audio show you can
9. replace all capacitors with Black Gates and all resistors with Vishays and all diodes with Hexfreds IMMEDIATELY.
10. Play the pink noise at max volume and leave the system on repeat for one week.
11. Buy a 10 KWatt pure sinus replicator generator and feed your system with proper AC, and immediately the music will just sound heavenly … dead. The master guru in the magazine said that the AC is really out of shape these days and that it is REALLY bad for the system.
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